Although it is far longer than a mile, it works out to be around 10kms there and back, you never really feel
There are a few new "nodes" which have been built along the way, which i believe are going to be retail stores and restaurants after the world cup. These are looking really good and should prove to be some good sunrise/sundowners' spots!
The two best points for me along the way was the South Beach area and coming up from under the M4 tunnel and facing the stadium. South Beach has a really cool little spot for Kids to play, with a jungle gym and rope bridge to play on. There are really nice new public toilets there too for the little ones.
When on your way back/to the stadium when you come from under the M4 tunnel, pause and tae a look at the stadium. It really is breath taking. See picture below.
When FIFA gives us back our stadium again, i would advise to park outside, on the old Walter Gilbert Road and walk to Ushaka and back. Then when you've really built up a thirst and an appaetite, you can replenish at the Keg and Spier. Good food and a cold beer! Highly recomended!
I can see why some people are saying that Durban will have one of the top Beachfronts after this.
Till next week,
Happy Day Tripping!
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